Constitution and Bylaws
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Gamma Chapter of Chi Epsilon Sigma & The National Extension Support Staff Fraternity.
Section 2. The meaning of the Greek letters has been designated as follows: Chi - life; Epsilon - loyalty; Sigma - learning.
The purpose of this Fraternity shall be to maintain the standards and ideals, uphold the morale, prestige, and respect of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service support staff; to develop an effective working relationship and a spirit of fraternal fellowship among the employees; to encourage professionalism; and to recognize, share and reward professional excellence in job performance.
Section 1. Qualifications
A person who has performed satisfactory service as an Extension support staff employee shall be eligible for membership regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, physical or mental disability or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
The membership year shall begin on January 1st of each year.
Section 2. Classes of Membership
A. Active - Those support staff members employed by the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service who have paid current dues.
B. Retired - Those support staff members who are retired from the Kentucky Cooperative
Extension Service who has paid current dues.
C. Honorary - May be accorded to those who have performed some meritorious service in the interest of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service support staff.
The Executive Board shall accept nominations for honorary members from active and retired members and make the final selection. Honorary membership is not automatically afforded each year, only when appropriate.
Active and retired members shall be entitled to hold office, serve on committees, and participate in discussions and activities of the Fraternity.
Section 3. Voting
Voting privileges shall be extended to all active and retired members in attendance at the annual conference business meeting or as requested electronically. Passage of motions by the membership requires a majority of those voting, with the exception of changes in the Constitution and Bylaws which will require two-thirds of those voting.
Voting shall be by private ballot with electronic voting encouraged.
Section 4. Dues
All active members shall pay annual dues as set by the Executive Board. Retired members shall pay annual dues which will be half of the active membership fee. Dues are payable by January 31st each year.
Section 5. Conference
One annual conference for the total membership shall be held each year.
A quorum shall be a majority of those members present.
Section 1. The officers of the Fraternity shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Annalist, and Past President. These officers shall comprise the Executive Committee and will perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws.
Section 2. To be eligible to run for an officer position, the nominee must obtain written approval from their supervising agent and Area Extension Director.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to nominate candidates for the officer and director positions. A report will be given at the annual business meeting.
Section 4. Each officer will serve a one-year term with the exception of the Treasurer, who will serve a two-year term, or until a successor is elected. Officers may run for two consecutive terms. No member shall hold more than one office at a time. Officers and directors will be installed at the annual conference and their term shall begin after installation. Any position filled between the yearly meetings will be installed at the next board meeting to fill the remainder of the term.
Section 5. The Executive Board will seek a replacement for resignations during the office term within 30 days of receiving notice.
Section 6. Duties
See Standing Operating Procedures.
Presides over all meetings of the Gamma Chapter of Chi Epsilon Sigma, the Executive Board and Executive Committee.
Vice President
Performs the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President. In the event of vacancy in the office of President, shall become President and assume the duties of the office for the unexpired term. Chairs annual conference.
Maintains complete minutes and records of meetings and correspondence.
Receives and disburses all funds of Gamma Chapter, Chi Epsilon Sigma. Receives membership dues and maintains a list of paid members. Maintain list-serv and membership database of current fraternity membership.
Prepares and distributes newsletter. Maintains the historic records of the fraternity and keeps website and all social media of fraternity up to date.
Past President
Serves in an advisory capacity for fraternal business.
Section 1. To be eligible to run for a director position, the nominee must obtain written approval from their supervising agent and Area Extension Director.
Section 2. Directors will serve a two-year term with representation consisting of the following:
(Four) Directors from each region, East, Central and West. The board will be made up of (12) Regional Directors, (3) Campus Directors (1 from Lexington, 1 from Princeton and (1) from RCARS and the officers for a total of (21) members.
Directors will be elected in alternating years as follows: Even Years (C1-C2, C3-C4, E1-E2, E3-E4, W1-W2, W3-W4), Odd Years (C5-C6, C7-C8, E5-E6, E7-E8, W5-W6, W7-W8), (Three) non-county directors will be elected in alternating years, with the University of Kentucky Campus and UK Robinson Center For Appalachian Resource Sustainability director to be elected in even-numbered years and the University of Kentucky Princeton director to be elected in odd numbered years.
Resignations during a term of office will be filled by the Executive Board within 30 days of receiving notice. Any position filled between yearly meetings will be installed at the next board meeting to complete the remainder of the term.
Directors will be allowed to succeed themselves; current Directors should make recommendations from their area to the Nominating Committee for a member to serve as Director. Any additional nominations from the membership shall be secured by the Nominating Committee.
Any person filling a resigned or vacant position will serve the remainder of the term. Refer to the rotation schedule above. Note: odd years and even years refers to the scheduled year at time of conference.
Section 3. The duties of the Directors are as follows:
Serve as the liaison between the membership and the Executive Board.
Responsible for maintaining contact with members in represented area and contacting new employees. Participate in planning of annual conference and other special events to promote Chi Epsilon Sigma.
Section 1. The officers and directors shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Fraternity between its business meetings and make recommendations to the Fraternity. The Executive Board shall be subject to the orders of the fraternity and none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken by the Fraternity.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall meet quarterly, with one being at the annual meeting. Additional meetings shall occur when deemed necessary by the Executive committee. Conference calls, correspondence, and other electronic media will be used when appropriate to transact the business of the Fraternity. A majority of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of all officers.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall act for the Executive Board between meetings in emergency cases or as deemed necessary.
Section 1. Standing Committees
Unless otherwise designated, the President will appoint chairs in consultation with other officers and directors. The President and/or Chair of each committee will then appoint individual committee members to the respective committee for a one-year term. A majority of the members of any committee shall constitute a quorum. A report will be submitted by each committee to the membership at the annual meeting as deemed necessary. Exception: Membership Welcome will be planned by the Executive Committee.
Chapter Awards Committee
Shall plan for the annual conference recognition of members’ years of service awards and other awards as established by the fraternity. The committee shall seek assistance from a non-partial source outside the fraternity in selecting award winners.
Annual Conference Committees
Shall plan the details of the annual conference.
Professional Improvement & Personal Scholarship Committee
Shall be responsible for selection and awarding scholarships. Other educational opportunities will be explored and professional growth for fraternal membership will be promoted. The committee shall seek assistance from a non-partial source outside the fraternity in selecting award winners.
Nominating Committee
Shall secure nominations from the membership and prepare a slate for all officer and director positions to be presented to the membership at the annual business meeting.
Budget and Finance Committee
Shall be responsible for developing and proposing the budget.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Shall be responsible for reviewing proposed changes and updating the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 2. Special Committees
The President may appoint as many special committees as deemed necessary. These special committees will report to the Executive Committee and perform the duties so designed. A majority of the members of any committee shall constitute a quorum. Examples: Breakout sessions/registration, door prizes, entertainment, facilities & equipment, guest speaker, etc.
If upon dissolution of the Gamma Chapter of Chi Epsilon Sigma the assets exceed the outstanding obligations, such balances shall accrue to and be administered through The University of Kentucky Development Fund specifically for College of Agriculture scholarships.
If upon dissolution of this Fraternity, The University of Kentucky Development Fund is no longer in existence, then the Chi Epsilon Sigma Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the Fraternity, dispose of all the assets to such other organization(s) established and operated exclusively for charitable, educational or scientific purposes that qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under any present or future United States Internal Revenue Law as the Executive Committee so desires.
The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern this Fraternity unless stated otherwise in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Fraternity.
The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of those voting provided the amendment(s) has been submitted electronically to all members using the CHIES list-serv 30 days prior to the annual business meeting.
Revised April 2024
Revised April 2022
Revised April 2021
Revised April 2018